growing to love what I expected to hate and all the daily craziness surrounding the weather

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Who wants to go ice fishing?

I thought I'd hear this at least once a month during the winter (and maybe during the spring?) when I decided to move here.

Ha! I've actually only heard it once so far. As a joke. Good sign.

So, anyone out there want to go ice fishing with me?

This is gonna be a blog about all the funny things (to me) I see and experience here in Minnesota.

It's sure a funny place. Of course, every place is. But this kind of funny I'm getting used to very slowly. Maybe it's cause I'm getting old. Maybe it's my white guilt mixing with the Swedish ancestry that oozes out with every "o" and "a" and "yah" people say.

Lots of stuff is funny and here I go to blog it all.


Lilith said...

My anthropological understanding is that ice fishing is simply a method of adding masochism to the act of going out and getting drunk with the boys, which gives an otherwise irresponsible and indulgent pursuit enough of an aura of self-denial as to make it permissible to good upstanding Lutheran or Catholic husbands and fathers.

Sanguinetti A! said...

I am quite pleased at your comment! I think I will read it for the fourth time because it's so wonderful.

Hugo Minor said...


Lilith said...

...which is to say, well, heck ya I'll go ice fishing with you! I'll pick up a case of Pig's Eye, and you can bring the peppermint schnapps.