growing to love what I expected to hate and all the daily craziness surrounding the weather

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One of those backwards days

This morning around 7:30, it was 5 degrees. By 8:30, it was -1. Now at 10:40 it's -4.4. The sun is rising, it's bright and blue out there, the snow is glistening and crunchy. There's some sort of weather phenomenon I don't understand - that it gets colder on sunny days. This is a sweeping generalization, right? But I heard it as a warning when I moved here and today it's obviously true.

Anyone get it?


Anonymous said...

My dad always said that the clouds help keep some warmth in on winter days. The clear, bright days like today tend to be colder because all the solar gain can escape right back out of the atmosphere.

I should warn you, my dad tended to make up scientific answers to tricky questions, but this explanation is ingrained in my memory.

Nancy said...

Yep - that's what I thought, too. Though I don't remember it being said by Thaddeus NewLisbon so it may in fact be true.

It's annoying though, isn't it? You look outside and you say "YAY! It's sunny! It's gorgeous! Let's play!" Then you open the door and freeze your nose.