growing to love what I expected to hate and all the daily craziness surrounding the weather

Friday, January 18, 2008

Making out.

Believe it or not, I interviewed a "local" today about making out in a car in the winter. I'm gathering data about "local" common knowledge of condensation accumulation in a non-running car, and the feasibility of actual condom usage in a car in the winter. (If you're joining this blog at this post, you'll just be confused unless you read the linked previous posts. So, go on now, read them.)

The interview went like this:

Me: So, you ever made out in a car in the winter?
Local: Yes.
Me: What was it like?
Local: Cold.

At this point the interview was over because I could not stop laughing.

I've basically concluded that I'm learning about condensation accumulation turning to ice in a car in the winter at age almost 30 when most locals likely learned about it as a teenager while making out in a car.

Sigh. Better late than never.


Anonymous said...

It's too bad you didn't learn it by making out in your car.

Sanguinetti A! said...

Might be too old for that.