growing to love what I expected to hate and all the daily craziness surrounding the weather

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How to talk Minnesotan

I'm studying up on how to talk Minnesotan and I'm not so sure about all this.

Get a load of these two! I can't help but think they look like L.'s parents. Did I say that? Yes, I think I did! In all fairness, L.'s parents are Wisconsinites.


Anonymous said...


Go Packers!

Anonymous said...

really it is totally easy to speak/act minnesotan. rule 1: never say yes the first time you are offered something... cultural precedence is 3rd time it is okay to get seconds on food. rule 2: never take the last brownie in the lunchroom (and exchange brownie for whatever). if you must eat some of it, please cut it in half. and only take that half.

more rules later... those are just easy ways to start!