This one, however, has always made me laugh with a mean, torturous cackle. The word, "what," of course, is not exclamatory, it's a question. Questions end in question marks. Not exclamation points.

You can't.
I've tried a hundred times, and you can't do it. It always comes out sounding like a question.
If you look at their stupid website, you'll see they have a multitude of billboards in the archives. An uncanny amount.
I'd always worried that they must have a lot of money here in the Midwest to be able to pay for such advertisement. Coming from San Francisco where my previous employer was an abortion provider, I think this fear is justified tenfold. L. keenly likes to point out that the photography and graphics are very rudimentary, so they might not have much of a budget and/or they're really dumb. I hope for both.
A science blog I read regularly yesterday wrote about these folks, and I thought it was kinda interesting. You can read it here. I love this statement about driving in rural Minnesota: "There is one thing I watch for — and this is a measure of how boring the drive is — and that's the anti-abortion signs. These are an institution on Midwestern country roads." One of the comments to the post alludes to the possible and hopeful fact that these folks don't really have that much power. Finally, good news!
Those billboards suck. That is the most in-depth explanation I can give. I can't believe that they actually have someone bankrolling their propaganda campaign because there is only a very small percentage of people's minds who can be changed on this issue. ANd from a design aspect, the concept sucks too.
I whole-heartedly agree - these are the WORST billboards of all time - the design is terrible, the copy-writing abysmal.
I had a revelation the other day, though - I don't think those billboards are meant for adults. I think they're aimed at children riding in the back seats of cars. What kid doesn't like to see a giant baby, and try to read big words that look handwritten? Total indoctrination of the young. Ick.
Leigha, that's fantastic insight. I wonder if they truly gave the campaign that much thought. Or if they just think on a childish level?
While I wish for the latter, I fear for the former!
The grammar and the ugly babies on those billboards drive me crazy. If I were hoping to swing opinions, I'd choose a cute baby. Here's the one that just made me mad:
Baby wearing denim overalls and the words say...
I've had my "GENES" since birth.
People! The quotes make it a joke or something. That makes no sense! It should have said "JEANS". Blargh!
Woah folks! Let's not publicly correct the bill boards too much. I'm all for positive feedback, but it is comforting that those billboards are full of awful grammar and hideous photography and graphics.
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