growing to love what I expected to hate and all the daily craziness surrounding the weather

Monday, March 17, 2008

yeah, spring, mm hmm.

We're forecast for "Heart Attack Snow" tonight. WTF, Minnesota?


Sornie said...

Ah, yes. The sludgy, 600 lbs./shovel type of snow. I say why shovel it, it will melt in about a day.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the bad-news bunny, but spring in Minnesota isn't guaranteed until May. It was a hard, hard lesson to learn (I think it took me a year or two to catch on) when I moved here from San Diego 12 years ago, and I don't want you to suffer the same indignity of an early Spring Fever.

Until then, you'll get sweet, sweet songbirds, and little green shoots of tulips and such, all intermixed with three-day stretches of 6-inch snowfalls. March is Shoveling Month.

Welcome to Minnesota!