growing to love what I expected to hate and all the daily craziness surrounding the weather

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How'd I get so much smarter than all the Minnesotans?

I drove once in a snowstorm. It was the first of this winter season. It took me 2.5 hours to go 15 miles, I almost had a heart attack, I almost peed my pants, I almost crashed my car, and I threatened to leave Minnesota forever. Ever since, if I have to be somewhere during a snow storm, I walk or take the bus. That simple.

Really, it's just not worth driving. REALLY.

I'm not a bad winter driver anymore. I've figured out the physics of tires on ice and snow enough to get by. So it's not that I'm one of those CRAZY CALIFORNIA DRIVERS all you Minnesotans like to talk about. It's not worth it because it just takes for fucking ever.

And you'd think that all you Minnesotans would know that it's just not worth it.

Today I had a 9 am appointment. So, I left at 8:15 and walked there. I passed so much traffic - on foot! So many splattering sliding stalled cars. So many frustrated hurried drivers. It was just ridiculous. The person I met was 20 minutes late to the appointment; I was five minutes early. I calmly read a newspaper while waiting; she frantically rushed in after spending 2 hours in traffic. I'd had my exercise for the day; she - and all you other nuts out there who drove this morning - got your blood pressure skyrocketing.

I forgot my Yaktrax though, and I slipped a little. I didn't fall, luckily. I did see someone flat on their back on the way home, though, who'd slipped and couldn't get up. An ambulance appeared and took him away. It was sad.

Advice from a fair-weathered newbie: Slow down. Stay at home. Walk to work. Go in late. But, God knows, causing excessive and dangerous traffic jams is just plain ignorant. Crazy Minnesotans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish we all had hammocks and sunlights for days like that. I wish we had the sense to stay at home and use them too.