It's only 40-something out there and you'd think we'd gone mad. I know I have - mad with ecstasy. Check out what I've seen lately.
- A suburban just drove by with a golden retriever hanging out of the front window.
- Two kids were riding their bikes in tank tops.
- The gutters are gushing with snow melt, and the sound of it is pure music to my ears.
- I'm happy. Really.
- The teenagers in the neighborhood are running amok in the night again. I love that about our neighborhood: white, privileged, well-fed, giggling gangs. It would be even more wonderful if they happened to be un-privileged and not white and still well-fed and giggling, but I take what I can get.
- I didn't wear long underwear today for the first time since November. Really.
- The thermostat has been set to 60 or below all day and the inside temperature hasn't fallen below 63.
- And best of all, the snow people are emaciated. Click on this image to see details and have a a good laugh at these little teeny super guys:
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